Email Marketing Agency In Kolkata

Email Marketing Agency In Kolkata

Email Marketing

“If Social Media is the cocktail party, then Email Marketing is the ‘meet up for coffee’. The original 1 to 1 channel.”

-Erik Harbison
Conversation Before and After Email Marketing

Email for Marketing

Recent statistics prove that in a marketer’s arsenal of weapons, Email is the most powerful ammunition. A study conducted by eMarketer revealed that Email Marketing ROI is 122%.

That’s 4X higher than any other digital marketing channel.

A fundamental reason for this is email marketing gives your customer the option to choose. The majority of businesses only send emails to customers who have signed up to receive them. This enables much higher conversion as you are only targeting customers who have already shown an interest in your brand.

Further, Email Marketing builds trust between a company and its customer by sending meaningful and relevant content in the form of insights, thoughts, tips that is personalized to a segmented list using the benefits of low cost automation; to deliver value to the readers so they become aware and convinced about the authority and credibility of your brand to eventually turn into your loyal and well-paying customers.

Your Preferred Email Marketing Agency In Kolkata

Are you a small business owner on a tight budget with unique needs? Then onboard us.

So we can help you to measure your email performance by the following criteria:

One-to-One Communication

See how we use design and copywriting principles to create visually stunning emails with quality content that let you impact your customer directly at very low cost and with the least amount of trouble.


Know how we use advanced algorithms and sophisticated email marketing tools and software to reach a large segment of your target customers at relatively low costs when compared to other digital marketing channels.

Brand Loyalty

Learn how we create informative, educative, and engaging content using a relationship building process that evolves through the three stages of knowing, liking, and trusting to make your readers feel special; so they convert into paying customers or loyal spokespersons, who market your brand through sheer word of mouth.


Your Go-To Email Marketing Agency

A good marketing mix almost always has better pay-offs.

We help you generate increased ROI on your emails through a mix and match of:

Email Newsletters

We help you deliver value into your subscribers’ inboxes by creating engaging content that includes helpful knowledge, and tools such as thought leadership articles, how-tos, tips and tutorials, sprinkling your emails with in-between announcements about your products or services building awareness and engagement that ultimately strengthens your customer’s loyalty.

Acquisition Emails

Have a prospect who has opted to receive your emails but hasn’t yet converted into a customer? We help you create email marketing campaigns, attractive offers, and informative content that shows your subscriber the value of becoming an active customer thus helping you move your leads through the conversion funnel faster to add to your bottom line revenues.

Retention Emails

We help you retain already engaged subscribers and customers by crafting messages that request feedback or by sending abandoned cart emails or customized offers to subscribers, who haven’t opened or interacted with your emails recently. We ensure you keep your lines of communication open helping you keep your hard-won customers.

Promotional Emails
Want to make a stand-apart first impression? Get stunning emails designed from us that uses clever copywriting to drive sales, get signups, convey exclusive or new product offerings, get cross-sells; all intelligently conceived by our email marketing team to entice your subscribers to hit the buy button.
Holding Phone Showing Graph

Frequently Asked Questions

Is email marketing still effective?
One of the best methods for a company to communicate with clients directly is through email marketing. Consider this. You don't simply upload stuff on your website and hope that people will go there. You aren't even putting something on your social media profile with the hopes that your followers will see it. You are sending something right into everyone's email, where they will see it for sure! Every time you send an email, even if they don't read it, they'll still see the subject line and your company's name, keeping the lines of communication open. For an effective email marketing campaign, touch base with Studio APS, the best email marketing agency in Kolkata.
Isn’t social media marketing taking the place of email marketing?
According to current data, email reaches three times as many people as Facebook and Twitter put together. That represents a sizable change. Social media marketing is very popular and is growing in popularity every day, but it is not going to replace traditional forms of marketing any time soon. If you utilise social media, such as Facebook, to reach your followers, just a tiny fraction of your users will see your message. Everyone on your email list who has subscribed will get the message if you have subscribers.
Do I need to send an email newsletter?

A newsletter is the best option for certain organizations. Some people respond better to a different philosophy. Various types of material, including recent blog entries and current deals, are frequently included in newsletters. However, it's also OK to send an email that has simply a single piece of information or a single marketing message. Adapt the structure of your emails to your specific audience and test several formats to determine which ones perform the best.

How often should I send marketing emails?

As frequently as you can without being obnoxious. However, you should indeed send emails often, but not so frequently that recipients begin to unsubscribe or, worse still, classify them as spam. Where is the neutral position? Unfortunately, it varies depending on the business. Some people only need emails once a month, while others only need them once a day. To find out what appeals to your particular audience the most, experiment and test again.

Which metrics should I be looking at for email marketing?

The open rate and click-through rate are the two key performance indicators for email marketing. Subscribers won't ever read your entire marketing message if your emails aren't opened; and if they are opened but not clicked through to your website, your emails aren't converting.

Ready to acquire, engage, and retain your customers? Call us today


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